The others standing round felt a thrill of horror at this disclosure of outrages unknown to them. 'I have a further charge to bring,' said Lord de Winter. 'My brother, who made this woman his sole heir in his will, died within three hours of signing it of some mysterious illness, which left purple marks all over his body. Confess, Clarice, how did my brother die?' 'How vile!' cried Porthos and Aramis. Lord de Winter continued: 'This woman murdered Buckingham, she murdered Felton, she murdered my brother. I demand redress against her and declare that if I don't get it from you here I shall take action on my own.' Lord de Winter now took his place beside d'Artagnan, Porthos, and Aramis, leaving room for the next accuser to step forward and bring his charge.
— The Three Musketeers
by Alexandre Dumas
(see stats)