God, what a smile. What a body. What a kiss! She's a fifteen. No a twenty! She's a damn thousand! And I got her number - I can't believe it! Well, I didn't exactly get it. She gave it to me. How could she give me her number? She doesn't even know me. I could be an axe murderer. Wait a minute. Something's wrong. The area code! Which area code? What the frig area code is it? LA has got at least a dozen. I know. Simple - I'll just make a dozen calls... 'You jerk'. She gave you a phony number. That's why she was so easy. Too easy! God I love it. She's much worse than I thought. Damn I should have gone after her. What if I never see her again? I know I'll put a note with my number on her windshield. Naw... she won't buy it. A beauty like that gets hit on all the time. Damn if she doesn't call.... I-I'll die!
— Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
by Kirin Entertainment
(see stats)