'TwaZZ_ the n i g h t before C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S, when allllllllllllllll through the h0us3, nawt a cr3a7ur3 was stlrrlng, not even a %MousE%!!! The [STOCKINGS] were --hung-- by the (c)(h)(i)(m)(n)(e)(y) with care <3, in hopez that St. N-i-c-h-o-l-a-s s00n wud be there....... The ***children*** were -nestled- a11 snUg in their {beds}, while visionss of ~-= sugar-plums =-~ danced in <<their heads>>. AnD mAmmA In hEr 'kErchIEf, & I In my cAp, had |JUST| settled our #brains for a long long long long long long Winter's Nap.
— Why is this a thing?
by KeeganT
(see stats)