Quitting smoking can be hard, but there are ways to make it easier. Using quit smoking medicines or counseling support can help one quit. In fact, using support and medicines together can make a person more than twice as likely to quit for good! Most smokers have to try a few times before they quit for good. But it pays off. Half of all people who have ever smoked have quit!
If someone you care about is ready to quit smoking, you can help. Your support and encouragement can make quitting easier for them.
You cannot force someone to quit smoking. Each person needs to find their own reasons to quit and must decide for themselves when they're ready to stop smoking.
Don't try to make them feel guilty or bad about smoking. Share your concern in a non-judgmental way. Tell them that you will help when they're ready to try to quit smoking.
Your friend might be in a bad mood at times. Try not to take it personally. For many people, quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things they'll ever do.
It is common for quitters to slip up and have a cigarette, but neither of you should be discouraged if this happens. If they slip, remind them of all of their good reasons for quitting and switch the focus to the future.
Even if they start smoking again, remember that they tried to quit. It takes some people many tries before they can quit for good. Give them encouragement, tell them you'll help when they're ready to try again, and let them know you're proud of them.
As time passes and your friend stays smoke-free, remind them of what they've achieved, and let them know you are still there for support.